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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tentative titles for third book in the trilogy.

For my fans out there, I am down to two possible titles for my third book: "When Powers Fall", and "The Wild Magic Chaotic". I welcome any feedback. The winning title will, of course, grace the front cover of my latest novel in the Rayna of Nightwind series; the runner-up will probably earn a spot as the title of one of its chapters. I think both titles have their merit. "When Powers Fall" implies loss. Without giving too much away, I would say that the third book will deal with several tragedies. so brace yourself. The Wild Magic Chaotic will be featured predominately in the next book--with more explanation given as to what it is and how it originated. So far, most of the fans I've personally spoken to are leaning toward "When Powers Fall", so if you think that "The Wild Magic Chaotic" should be the title, please let me know. I am still in the slow, early "outline" stage of  writing the book, but I will do my best to keep you posted.

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